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the Association of foreign women married to Nigerians



By President Mary NIEMOGHA


President                                           Mary Niemogha                                Ghana

Vice president                                  Mervy Olobia                                     Jamaica

Secretary                                           Marie Opeola-Messiri                      USA

Treasurer                                           Carmen Asedegbega                      Spain

Assistant treasurer                           Gratia Amadasun                             Switzerland



Warri Branch Delta State has 17 fully paid-up members.

Dates and Times of Meetings

Meetings are generally held the third Saturday of each month from 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. at a central location, Mary Niemogha’s house.  Members bring food and drinks to each meeting.



On January 19, during our first meeting of 2019, the House voted unanimously to retain the current executive as it is.  Mary Niemogha President; Mervy Olobia Vice President; Carmen Asedegbega Treasurer; Marie Opeola-Messiri Secretary and Gratia Amadasun Assistant Treasurer.

On January 27, 2019, many of our members joined our President, Mary to have a Thanksgiving Service at the Mother of Redeemer Catholic Church to thank the good Lord for taking care of us Nigerwives and especially helping us with our Project for children with special needs (Project Acchieve).



May 9-10 was the burial in Warri of our late sister Maria Mosheshe, a fellow Nigerwife from Jamaica, who died at the age of 86 in Lagos. She had been in Nigeria longer than any of us.

May 17-19 was the big AGM in Lagos.  Mary Niemogha, Marie Opeola-Messiri and Rosina Tejere were in attendance for the 40th Anniversary of our Nigerwives Association.  What a great time we had.  Thank you Lagos Branch for the wonderful hosting.

May 22, 2019, we hosted some wonderful visitors that came to visit our Project Centre Acchieve, Mervy Olobia’s aunty, Millie O’Connor of Millie’s Foundation in the UK and some other family members as well.  Millie was very impressed by the work that we are doing with the kids.  She brought donations for the Centre which included exercise books, pencils, colour pencils and also gifts for the children.

Ranjan Ejiogu’s son and daughter-in-law delivered a bouncing baby boy.



Phyllis Obodo’s son Edward and daughter-in-law had a bouncing baby boy on July 2, 2019.

July 26, 2019, we sponsored our staff (4 teachers and 2 nannies) to attend a lecture delivered by Emonena Abenabe (a lawyer, inspirational speaker, entrepreneur and a stroke survivor) of NDOA (No Disability Only Ability). She presented “Giving Up is not an Option” Season 1. The lecture was very informative and helpful.  The lecturer also gave our staff a copy of her book “I Almost Died”.



Two weddings took place on the 19th of October, in two different states.  The first one was for the daughter of Agatha, a special friend and former caregiver to our member, Joyce Gyimah, in Warri. 4 members represented the association. The second wedding was for our Head Teacher of Centre Acchieve, Mr.Daniel Mgbakor.  His wedding was in Anambra State.  We gave a monetary gift to each of the couples.



On Thursday, December 12th, we had a wonderful Christmas Party for the children of Centre Acchieve.  Seven of our members were present.  The food and entertainment were great.  It was good to see the progress of our children. We were impressed by how well the staff, especially the teachers were so calm and patient with the children.  Our members donated cash and kind for a beautiful meal, cooked by our president’s catering outfit.  Millie Foundation also donated towards this party again this year.  Thank you, Millie O’Connor.


PROJECT CENTRE ACCHIEVE for children with special needs.

This year was great for our Project. With the help of Small World (supported by our Lagos sisters), and other donors, we were able to bring the additional buildings up to Decking level (see pic). This stage was completed in May.


More of our children living abroad are now helping to raise funds, which is especially appreciated, as we still have a long way to go with our buildings.


In September, we received a donation from Phyllis Obodo’s son, just when we needed a new mobile generator! Thank you so much, Edward. Again Millie’s foundation sent enough to build a generator house that can contain both the new and the old generators.


Carmen Asedegbega’s daughter Patricia and friends had their annual fundraising for our project again in December. Their contribution will cover most of our monthly expenses. We say a big Thank you! May God continue to bless them.


We are so grateful that Small World has approved another donation from their fundraising to be held in 2020. This will enable us to do the German Floor.



In conclusion, Warri Branch Delta State had a delightful 2019 and give thanks to God for keeping us all. 


We look forward to 2020.  We are going to be 20 years old on the 8th of April!


God bless you all.  Have a prosperous new year!

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