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the Association of foreign women married to Nigerians

Welcome to Akwa Ibom State Branch!


Vice president – Olga ITAKETO
Secretary – Rose Okon 
Treasurer - Rose Okon 
Project manager – Lakshmi TOMBUSH


Nigerwives Akwa Ibom branch was made up of 7 paid-up members as of December 2021. Unfortunately, we experienced this decline in our membership number because some of our sisters have relocated back to their home countries for personal reasons. 
This in addition to the threat posed by the COVID 19 pandemic, also affected our ability to meet as a group. As a result, we were only able to meet twice in the year 2021: January and February. Branch communication was maintained via WhatsApp chat group as well as personal phone calls.
The branch project; the Nigerwives Park was and is still being well monitored under the watch of Lakshmi who has been putting tremendous efforts to ensure the project stays afloat. Unfortunately, activities in the park have tremendously declined due to the global pandemic.

Mrs.Lakshmi TOMBUSH
Akwa Ibom Branch
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