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the Association of foreign women married to Nigerians



By President: Mrs.Jill DIKE


Nigerwives Enugu Branch had another very successful year in 2019 with major activities such as a workshop for visually impaired students, our annual charity bazaar, and a family Christmas party to round out the year.  Below is a more detailed presentation.


Re-election of the Executive

The following officers were elected for a second one-year term at the first meeting of the year on Jan. 21, 2019:               

President – Jill Dike

Vice-President – Carol Ojukwu

Secretary – Ransey Nwankwo

Asst. Secretary – Rosa Chukwu

Treasurer – Zeinab Okonkwo

Asst. Treasurer – Grazyna Chukwurah

Joined by Immediate Past President – Claudette Amobi.


Calendar of Meetings and Events

Meetings continued to be held the third Tuesday of each month by 4:00 p.m., and executive committee meetings on the second Monday.  The venue rotated, with snacks provided by one of three zones.  Meetings for the year and their programs, as well as major events, are listed below.

























Workshop for Visually Impaired Students, Oct. 7-9, 2019


Nigerwives Enugu held a 3-day workshop for 47 visually impaired students and their teachers at the Special Education Centre, Oji River, organized and funded by the branch, with the venue provided by the Special Education Centre.  Seven locally-recruited trainers, all themselves visually impaired, taught the use of new Braille symbols as contained in the UEB Handbook, computer use with the aid of adaptive JAWS software, and use of math’s sets.  It is hoped this effort will lead to further training and government adoption of our recommendations on the need for further employment and equipment.


Nigerwives Charity Bazaar, Nov. 9, 2019

Planning began early in the year, with committees, as well as planning at general meetings, first monthly, then bi-weekly from September and weekly from mid-October.  The result was a great success.  The 2019 bazaar was held at a new venue, Magic Garden, a large open event area with a playground attached.  As a result of extensive publicity, the turnout was tremendous.  We especially appreciate the energy and enthusiasm brought by new younger members, while older members also came out in force to help.  One innovation was the use of vendors selling a variety of products.  This was in addition to our traditional stalls of food, drinks, cakes, and BBQ chicken; nearly new clothes, plants and books; face painting and art activities (free), as well as the Magic Garden playground for the children. 


Family Christmas Party, Dec. 15, 2019

For the second year, we organized a family Christmas party, this one graciously hosted by Elder and Hazel Kalu, with a turnout of about 80 members and their husbands, children, grandchildren and friends. Members pitched in to provide a delicious array of dishes—from fish and chicken pepper soup (with garlic bread); goat curry, chicken, pork, 3 varieties of sausage, pizza; fried, Jollof and white rice; Moroccan salad and other side dishes; and hotdogs and puff puff especially for the kids. Members also brought an enticing variety of sweets.  Children enjoyed art activities and a miniature playground, and joined the carolling choir; each was also given the gift of a book.  An innovation was the cake presented to our husbands to thank them for their support of our activities during the year. 


Other Projects


Welfare guidelines – Revised and updated Welfare Guidelines were approved on Feb. 19, 2019.


Directory of members – Our thanks to Rita Aningo, for organizing compilation of a directory and updated membership list.


Nigerwives history project – Enugu Branch embraced the national Nigerwives history project suggested by Ibadan Branch at the 2019 AGM, producing profiles of Enugu Branch and the former Nsukka Branch, and personal stories by 8 members: Hildegard Ebigbo, Ransey Nwankwo, Jill Dike, Lucy Ubaka, Sindy Onodu, Daisy Ogene, Zeinab Okonkwo, & Hazel Kalu.


The revival of Newsletter – This year saw the revival of the Nigerwives Enugu Newsletter, which has an illustrious history but lapsed several years ago.

Excursions/Vacation Activities for children - These did not hold due to security concerns in visiting natural sites and family holiday travel plans. New approaches will be explored in 2020.


40th Anniversary and National AGM, Lagos

Four members—Jill Dike, Ransey Nwankwo and Zeinab Okonkwo as delegates and trustee Christa Udeogu—attended the National AGM held in Lagos on May 18, 2019.  The group especially enjoyed seeing friends and meeting Nigerwives from all over the country.




Special Education Centre, Oji River – Aside from the October workshop, the Branch provided transport for a Braille teacher in Enugu to teach the remedial class at Oji River every Friday. 


Therapeutic Day Care Centre Visit – On March 2l, 2019, Jill, Carol, Ransey, Zeinab, and Sindy visited Hildegard Ebigbo’s model inclusive school for children with special needs.  For most, it was a first-time visit to the school founded by our member in 1979 and nurtured by her ever since.  The visit has been followed up with a donation of toys and children’s books.


Little Sisters of the Poor, Home for the Elderly – On Dec. 19, 2019, Rina, Ransey, Jill, Lucy, Grazyna, Sindy, and Karla, with children and family members, went to the Home for the Elderly run by the Little Sisters of the Poor.  This wonderful example of caring for others provides a home for 65 indigent elderly people.  Nigerwives shared carols, presented gifts provided by members present, and visited with inmates. Our thanks to all who participated.


Donations from bazaar proceeds to these and other charities will be made early in 2020.


Life Events


Funeral of Mita Ihebom’s father-in-law – A delegation of three members (Zeinab Okonkwo, Ransey Nwankwo, and Christy Jarikwe) attended the funeral of Mita Ihebom’s father-in-law in Owerri on February 8, 2019, where they joined with members of Mita’s former Owerri Branch.


Marriage of Irene Okoye Oli’s Daughter – Four members (Claudette Amobi, Margrit Obidigbo, Zeinab Okonkwo, & Jill Dike, accompanied by daughter & granddaughter) attended the traditional marriage of Irene’s daughter in Agukwu Nri, Anambra State, Aug. 24, 2019.


Birth: Sonia Has Baby Boy - Sonia Muyuca gave birth to a baby boy on Oct. 9, 2019, giving Nigerwives Enugu a new baby for the second year in a row. 


Other Occasions


Centre for Memories – Members continued to participate in events organized by this museum of Igbo history and culture, including work on an exhibition on Igbo Innovations and Technologies; monthly lectures on issues of concern; Saturday book club on novels such as Adaobi Nwaubani’s I Do Not Come to You by Chance and Chigozie Obioma’s The Fishermen; commemoration of the 1949 massacre of striking coal miners in Enugu; and the play Pepper Soup by Elechi Amadi.


Drama on Environmental Protection – Nigerwives were special guests at a drama, Zero Dechets! (No Rubbish!) presented at Alliance Francaise, Aug 9, 2019, with two of our children participating.

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Enugu Branch
Enugu Branch
Enugu Branch
Enugu Branch
Enugu Branch
Enugu Branch

Training Workshop for Visually Impaired Students

Special Education Centre, Oji River Oct. 7-9, 2019

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Enugu Branch
Enugu Branch
Enugu Branch

Visit Hildegard’s Therapeutic Day Care Centre, Abakpa, Enugu

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Enugu Branch
Enugu Branch
Visit to Memfy’s Neurological Hospital

Visit Memfy’s Neurological Hospital          

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Caroling at Home for the Elderly

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Family Christmas Party, 2019

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Enugu Branch
Enugu Branch
Enugu Branch
Enugu Branch
Enugu Branch
With Owerri sisters at Mita’s father-in-

With Owerri sisters at Mita’s father-in-law’s funeral        

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In Nri with Irene for daughter’s marriage

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Celebrating Jill’s 75th Birthday

Celebrating November birthdays

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Enugu Branch
Enugu Branch
Enugu Branch
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