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the Association of foreign women married to Nigerians



By President: Elena Nwachukwu



2019 was a great year for Nigerwives Abuja Branch, full of lots of activities.























In 2019 our paid-up members totalled 40!

9 new Nigerwives were registered during the year.

The paid-up members range in age from their 20s to 80s and come from 21 different countries: Belarus, Zimbabwe, India, France, Hungary, China, USA, Bulgaria, Russia, Sri Lanka, Ukraine, Philippines, Liberia, Sierra-Leone, UK, Germany, Jamaica, Netherlands, Pakistan, Mozambique and Cameroon.


Monthly Meetings and Social Activities


Meetings were held the last Sunday of every month except July and August as many of our members were out of town for the summer holidays. The average attendance of our monthly meetings was 17, with our highest number 32 (March) and the lowest 9 (June).


We are grateful to Elena, Zita, Judith, Araceli, Jane, Yvonne, Ashia and Shabnam for opening their homes to host us in 2019. In 2020 we will continue the tradition by meeting once a month at our dear sisters’ houses in different parts of Abuja.


In February, in addition to the monthly meetings, we had fun celebrating Valentine’s Day with our husbands at a karaoke club.


At our meeting in March, we held our election of new executives, where the following officers were elected for a one-year term. On the same day, we had our most attended meeting of the year at Elena’s home - 32 Nigerwives celebrated International Women’s Day together. We also celebrated birthdays and exchanged gifts among ourselves.


2019 – 2020 Elected Officers

President – Elena Nwachukwu

Vice-President – Gloria Inyang

Secretary – Kateko Idiegbe

Treasurer – Tatiana Olofu


Aims & Activities - Araceli Aipoh

Welfare Officer - Jane Akpauma

Asst. Secretary – Marjolaine Escande

Asst. Treasurer – Elizabeth Bada

Joined by Immediate Past President – Zita Ume


In April we had a nice family get together, celebrating Easter with our kids at the swimming pool.


Community Projects

The most remarkable events we held in 2019 were our fundraising bazaars in June and November. We were pleased to be given the use of space on the ground floor of the Silverbird Entertainment Centre free of charge, where our members were able to sell homemade food, home decoration items, books, clothes, jewellery, etc.

At these bazaars in 2019, we raised NGN500,000 in total for our Nigerwives’ community projects.
















In December our branch organized a Christmas party for the visually impaired children at the School for the Blind, Jabi, Abuja. Thanks to the generous donation by the Hasan Manal Foundation and the donations of our members, we had a huge party for 150 children on December 7th.































Participation in Annual Nigerwives AGM

2019 marked the 40th anniversary of Nigerwives and the Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held in Lagos. Elena, Gloria, Yvonne and Zita attended the event and had a wonderful time meeting Nigerwives from around the country and unwinding at the Gala night.





































Building Project

Our branch possesses a 3000 square meter plot of land in Lugbe. The land is to build a home for the aged, skills development centre and a centre for Nigerwives Abuja Branch. In 2019 we were able to pay compensation and clear the villagers from occupying our land. We were also able to dig the trenches all around the perimeter. Plans are underway for the fencing.


Social News

In 2019, 3 of our young members gave birth, including the branch President.
















Our sister Eleanor Ehanire and her husband celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary in December.















Sadly we lost our 79-year-old Guatemalan sister Adrianna Sowoolu who passed away in September.
















Abuja Branch Christmas Party

The December end of year party took the place of our monthly meeting and was attended by almost 80 Nigerwives and their family members. Father Christmas gave gifts to all the children, we exchanged gifts among ourselves, danced and had so much fun.






































































In conclusion, I want to appreciate every member of the branch who helped and showed support in all our projects. Thank you for our sistership which is indeed a blessing to all of us in Abuja.

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