the Association of foreign women married to Nigerians
By President: Zita K.UME
Abuja Branch was established in 2001. Currently, the Branch has over 30 paid-up members. We hold our monthly meetings on the last Sunday of the month in members’ homes 3PM.
We discussed the necessity to recruit more members and also to get the registered members to pay their dues. In 2016 March we had only 20+ paid members in the association. It was defined as a goal for the year that we need to work on the attendance and the commitment.
Our President, Angie Ehiemika announced that she did not intend to stay in her position for a second tenure, though it is allowed by the NW constitution. She urged the members to think about nominating new officers by April, after the AGM.
In the meeting we discussed that there is a non-member Nigerwife who is in urgent need of financial and medical support. It was agreed that our group and individual members will contribute to this person’s welfare out of humanity.
We also discussed and decided about the delegation for the AGM.
AGM meeting was held in Ibadan. Angie Ehiemika (our president), trustee Gloria Inyang and Yvonne Aweke, Nat Treasurer attended the AGM.
We had a Family picnic in the Abuja Children’s Park & Zoo on Easter Monday, organized by the Aims and Activities Committee.
Our President Angie Ehiemika thanked members for supporting her and expressed her satisfaction at the growing number of members, particularly the younger ones who will gradually take over from the older ones and consolidate the Association. Elections were held as the former Executive Committee members did not stand for renewal of their term. The new members of the EXCO are:
President Zita UME
Vice-President Baerbel JAJA
Secretary Marjolaine ESCANDE
Assistant Secretary Grace LABO
Treasurer Gloria INYANG
Asst. Treasurer Wede EDHERUE
Social Welfare officer Izabela BUNZA
Braille Coordinator Baerbel JAJA
Past President Angie EHIEMIKA
We did not meet formally in May, but we were preparing for the graduation of the blind students. WeFM Abuja invited Nigerwives to a talk Shaw in the radio. The topic was cross - cultural marriages. Four Nigerwives were representing us, Baerbel Jaja from Germany, Wede Edherue from Liberia-USA, Jasmine Augua from Laos-USA and Zita K. Ume from Hungary.
June meeting was shifted to the 2nd of July, due to the President’s absence. We discussed the way forward about recruiting new members, getting the fees paid and also picked up the idea of organizing a fund raising dinner party towards the beginning of 2018. Funds are needed for our charity projects, which include the planned building of a senior people’s home and Nigerwives skill acquisition centre.
We celebrated graduation of Primary six on July 14 at the School for the Blind in Jabi. Members baked beautiful cakes for the event. The graduates wore their graduation gowns and were given talking watches. A number of our branch members were present, pictures taken and speeches held. A worthy celebration. In our July meeting, we decided to set up an Emergency Fund to help members in case of need. The modalities were discussed.
We also established various committees to plan the fund raising event.
We had new members attending the meeting, especially a Hungarian young girl, who invited the members to her upcoming wedding the following Saturday, the 30th September, 2017. Several of our sisters attended Eva’s wedding, and showed warm hospitality towards the new couple. Our reading classes in primary five and six with the blind pupils on Saturdays continued as always and we were able to engage volunteers on community service from the International Community School. Our fund raising entertainment committee is preparing a show with selected pupils, training is ongoing.
White Cane Day was celebrated at the School for the Blind on Saturday 14. Apart from self-baked cakes by individual members, we also handed over a laptop, installed with Jaws software (for the blind), to a former student of the school who is now studying at the College of Education. The children contributed to their event with their beautiful singing.
Nigerwives Abuja branch was able to secure the land we bought. We now have to start developing it, the intention being to build an old peoples’ home as well as a training Centre.
We held our end of year party at Miriam Isoun’s home. There was plenty of food, Santa distributed presents to the little ones. Kids played games, hubbies got to know each other better, the charcoal roasted our barbecue meat, Ladies danced and received encouragement and Naira, we had a fantastic time.
The Choir of the School of the Blind entertained the crowd with beautiful Christmas Carols, and it was uplifting and awesome hearing these children’s angelic voices.
Members of our Branch continue to go every Saturday morning to the school for the blind where we organize reading classes for them. The relationship we have built over the years with the school is very fulfilling. It is certainly a brand name we have acquired thanks to the efforts of members and particularly our various Braille coordinators who had put all their heart into this work.
Finally, as President of the Branch, I would like to thank all members for their active participation. May our Branch continue to witness the same growth and dynamism we have had this year!